After I got my Detailing Kit, everyone said I needed to pickup Richard Lin's* DVD, "How-to use the PC (Porter Cable) for Showcar Results". (I was going to anyway, but thanks everyone!)
I watched the DVD three times in the first week. Only, the sound was down because I'm a chronic multi-tasker and was doing other things at the same time. I could see what the guy was doing and even with the sound down I was learning the "routine". Yesterday I threw it back in the player and played it with the audio up about 5 times in a row. But because I'm a chronic multi-tasker, I wasn't watching it! I could hear it fine though, and again, I was learning!
Last night I finally dedicated my attention to watching *and* hearing it at the same time. Twice even! After the second viewing it was about midnight so I went to bed, totally pumped and ready to polish and wax my MINI in the morning!
Well, lets just say I made a lot of "friends" today as several of my neighbors came to see what I was doing (I guess blue painter's tape all over a MINI and a whirring sound tends to attract attention). I had complete confidence in using the PC (the exact model in the video!), as well as my Meguiar's products. (again, the same products! who knew!) After repeated viewings of the lesson, I was confident that I knew the right technique to begin this project without even a test spot! What I didn't know was that it was going to take all day! However, thanks to the video, I got PERFECT RESULTS on my first try!
Not only that, I also got three inquiries on "how much I charge". I didn't mention this was my first time ever turning on a PC *or* waxing a car! (Not sure if I'll make a side gig out of it though- my back is killing me!)
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Detailing Day!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Countdown to AMVIV...
Greetings Folks:
I'm now fully registered for "A MINI Vacation In Vegas" 2007, a.k.a. "AMVIV"!!
I registered for the "event" the other day but finally booked the hotel room this morning. I wasn't going to get a "Tower Room" but when the the rep said they've got plenty tower rooms still available, I said what the heck (only $20/night more), and grabbed one at the last minute.
I recall there was a lot of "activity" in the Tower Room hallway last year; I was in the Garden Rooms which were were extremely quiet (a short review for those who care).
This year AMVIV is March 22 through the 25th, and features a "Boot and Bonnet Show", up close and personal face time with your favorite MINI vendors, "reserved parking" for MINIs, the Phil Wicks Challenge and Driving School, group runs, and more! Any MINI enthusiast should strongly consider attending AMVIV, if not just for the sake of seeing there are 300 folks as excited about MINIs as you! But don't take my word for it...
Only 58 or so days to go! Yippie!! Stay tuned as I get totally hyped up about it!
Posted by
They Call Me Bushfinger
8:44 AM
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Lookie What I Got! Meguiars' Auto Detailing Kit
I rarely "impulse buy"- in fact my motto is "When you're constantly window shopping, nothing is an impulse buy!" (mental note- copyright that!). Sure I may have been drinking a couple hours when I saw this killer deal from, but decided I had to jump on it! Check it out!
Package #2 DA Polisher NXT Speed Kit:
1 Backing Plate.
2 W8006 Foam Polishing Pad
1 W9006 Foam Finishing Pad
2 Super Plush Microfiber DA Bonnets
1 Meguiar's Clay Bar (Small)
1 M8032 Speed Glaze 32 oz.
1 G12718 NXT Tech Wax 18 oz. (Comes with 1 Applicator Pad)
1 G13224 NXT Speed Detailer 24 oz.
3 16 x 16 Microfiber Towels
1 Duffel Bag
*"Dual-action for professional results in minutes. Combine the right tool with the right technique and you'll achieve a finish of unmatched quality using Meguiar's machine-applied products. The tool you can pick up right here. Made especially for by Porter Cable, this variable-speed, dual-action polisher operates with alternating back-and forth motions that mimic the sensation of hand polishing. This popular user friendly machine is excellent for safely removing stubborn fine scratches and achieving swirl free results!"
PS: Please don't tell my girlfriend. Oh yeah- I don't have one! :)
Posted by
They Call Me Bushfinger
9:28 PM
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Hitler's VW (video)
#1: I didn't find this- someone else did and sent it to me. But it's funny.
#2: It's not MINI related. But it's still funny!
#3: Did I mention it's funny?
Posted by
They Call Me Bushfinger
9:16 PM
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Blog Plug:
When I read the comment that Mark from added my feed to his site, my first thought was "oh yeah-!" Seriously- I do visit this site evey now and then. As a MINI blog portal, this site is one stop shopping for all the goings on in the MINI Community.
Who knew there were so many independent, commercial, and personal MINI blogs? Oh yeah- and ads. Lots and lots of ads. At least they're all MINI-related. :)
you'd like to link up with BushfingerMINI? Click Here!
Posted by
They Call Me Bushfinger
1:09 PM