Sunday, September 23, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Der Vergleich!
You know you're waist deep in the "internet age" when you somehow stumble upon a Japanese website with German content about a car made in the UK.
Incidentally, "Vergleich" means "comparison". But you probably figured that out already! Of course, if I were on my Macintosh, I'd have pasted in the Japanese text as well.
Auf Wiedersehen!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Blog Plug: MINIs on MotorkultTV!
Shot on location at the "Big So Cal Euro Gathering IV", episode 3 of MotorkultTV features some MINI owners and their "rrrrrriiiiiiidddddddeeeee" (said in thick german accent)
Photo Break
plus de photographies pour votre divertissement
mehr Fotographien für Ihre Unterhaltung
più fotografie per il vostro intrattenimento
más fotografías para su hospitalidad
너의 오락을 위해 사진 더
Posted by
They Call Me Bushfinger
6:30 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Be nice to your MINI Dealer whenever possible! Reason #32:
Everyday we hear yet another story about another dealership or Service Dept. that screwed someone over or has the compassion of a railroad spike.
The coolest thing a car dealership has ever done for me was replace a fuel tank filter free of charge- but only because although I was 6 months out of warranty, the mileage on the vehicle was far below the warranty limit and way to soon to be having any fuel filter issues. (What I get for driving a Chevy?, perhaps?)
However, that pales in comparision to the email that landed in my InBox this morning!
(Yet) A(nother) friend of mine ordered an R56 a few weeks back and is expecting to take delivery any day now.*
The following is an excellent story and illustrates "Reason #32" of why you should try to be nice to your Dealership Staff whenever possible:
(Lightly edited for privacy concerns):
"Yesterday I stopped by (MINI dealer) and spoke to (Sales Manager). He looked at what the computer said about when my MINI would actually arrive. It looked bad because the schedule had already slipped one day. According to the schedule, it wouldn’t arrive until Saturday. Of course I was bummed and told (Sales Manager), “I guess we won’t be having a birthday party Saturday after all.”
He jumped on the phone and called the guy at Port Hueneme Vehicle Distribution Center who is in charge of the entire schedule. I heard him say, “I need a favor. You just received a car for a special guy who helps me out a lot. We have 200 people coming here Saturday to welcome his car. Can you do anything for me?” After checking, the VDC Manager said, “I’ll get it through and on a truck tomorrow.”
*That means my MINI will reach (MINI dealer) tomorrow. Whoo Hoo! The party’s on!"
This may be THE coolest thing I've ever heard a car dealership do for anyone! Of course, this is the same dealership that put up streamers, balloons, and a disco ball- to celebrate the delivery of another friend's MINI!
So- What's the coolest thing a dealership/service dept. has ever done for you?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
OctaneGuy's "2-Bucket Technique" Video is baaack!
After disappearing from the my known world for, oh, 18 months or so, Richard Lin, a.k.a. "Octane Guy" re-posts the (link to the) inspiring "2-Bucket Wash Technique" video. Why do I care? Why do *you* care? Well let's just say, before this video, I was using Dawn and a sponge. And only one bucket? *gasp!* If you think there's nothing wrong with that, you certainly need to watch this video!
Basically this is the video that got me started down the OCDetailer path to which those who know me, can now laugh at. Yeah, so what if Richard isn't in it, his then partner-in-crime (Mike Phillips) is certainly an expert in his own right, and brakes down the best car-washing technique I've ever heard of!
Don't forget to visit Richard's community forum, for more pro tips you could ever wish for. And if you're ever in "sunny Southern California" stop by his actual, physical (IRL even!) workshop and store in beautiful Orange County, California!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Trucks are highy over-rated
A post on my favorite MINI-related Forum sheds more light on the MINI Cooper's utilitarian prowess:

Lucky for them no one sneezed, or it might have been all over!!
Friday, September 07, 2007
This just in! MTTS in 2008!
For those who foolishly opted out of MINIUSA emails...
Here is the full text of the MINI Takes the States (MTTS) email, followed by what you will see once you log onto the Owners' Lounge (This probably violates several copyright laws, so enjoy it while it lasts!)
The Email:
The first time we pulled this thing off in 2006, MINI Owners had so much fun that we swore we would do it again. So now we're starting to gear up for an even bigger and better MINI Takes the States in 2008.
But here's the best part: this time around we want YOU to decide where we're going. This event is all about bringing as many of our incredible MINI Owners together as possible. So we figured it would only make sense if it was MINI Owners like you who actually decided what the event was going to be. Now is your chance to weigh in and help make MINI Takes the States 2008 as Motortastic as possible.
In the Owners' Lounge:
MINI TAKES THE STATES 2008. MINI is taking the states again in 2008. But this time around we want YOU to help decide what we’re doing. So don’t be shy. Cast your vote (only once per Owner) and then let us know if you have any big ideas or little suggestions for making the event even better.
If you’re an “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” kind of person then this option is for you. It would basically be a similar concept as last time. A roving herd of MINI Owners would motor along a pre-determined, nationwide route, stopping in different locations along the way. This approach lets participating MINI Owners join up for the entire journey or just a few legs.
In June, MINI United 2007 gathered MINI Owners from around the world for one giant party weekend in the Netherlands. So maybe we try something similar for Owners here in the U.S.? We would hold one spectacular festival over a long weekend in the summer, giving MINI owners the opportunity to motor from all across the country to one central location.
Even though all our MINIs would jump at the chance to stretch their cross-country legs, we’d love as many MINI Owners as possible to make it. So maybe we arrange for 4 smaller events to take place in different regions of the country? Maybe we even stagger the events so that the hardcore Motorers could make it to more than one event next summer?
COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS: Was there an element from the first MINI Takes the States that you loved and would want to keep even if we change formats? Do you have a brilliant idea for how to get even more MINI Owners to come? Here’s the place to suggest any and all ways to make the next MINI Takes the States even better.
now get out there and vote people!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Lily Allen rows with her neighbour
"Lily Allen had a furious row* with one of her new neighbours last week.
The 'Smile' singer has been parking her car in a private bay which does not belong to her, over the past two weeks.
A few days ago, the bay's owner spotted Lily parking her Mini Cooper S in his space, which led to a confrontation outside her home in Hackney, East London..."
Read the rest at:
Note: I don't think Lily Allen would like what would happen if she parked her MINI in someone else's spot here in Left Coast, USA. Also, who the heck is Lily Allen? :)
*row [rou]
1. a noisy dispute or quarrel; commotion.
2. noise or clamor
–verb (used without object)
3. to quarrel noisily.
–verb (used with object)
4. Chiefly British. to upbraid severely; scold.
[Origin: 1740–50; orig. uncert.]
—Synonyms 1. spat, tiff, scrap, scrape, set-to. Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
Posted by
They Call Me Bushfinger
6:30 PM
Monday, September 03, 2007
Neither Rain Nor Sleet Nor Dead Of Night...
Posted by
They Call Me Bushfinger
12:21 PM
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Mini Mania Inc. Announces La Carrera Panamericana 2007 Race Entry - The First Late Model MINI to Race in Event
I certainly thought this was interesting:
Mini Mania Inc. Announces La Carrera Panamericana 2007 Race Entry - The First Late Model MINI to Race in Event
Mini Mania Inc. announces the entry of the first BMW MINI Cooper S entry to the La Carrera Panamericana Mexican road race driven by Colin and Eric Herrick.
Nevada City, CA (PRWEB) August 30, 2007 -- Mini Mania Inc. ( announces the entry of a 2005 MINI Cooper S entry to the La Carrera Panamericana 2007 Mexican road race held between October 26, 2007 to November 1. Driven by the son and father team of Colin and Eric Herrick, Mini Mania expects their entry loaded with Mini Mania performance products will be the first late model MINI Cooper S to start and finish this prestigious race.
The La Carrera Panamericana is a 50 year-old vintage car race with over 100 entries for this year's event. For only the second year, the Unlimited category will allow late model cars such as the Mini Mania 2005 MINI Cooper S to participate. The course is a grueling seven day, 1935 mile route that starts from Oaxaca in the tropical Southern Mexico and travels north through altitudes rising from sea level to almost 10,000 ft. with temperatures ranging from near freezing into the 90's. The race finishes in Nuevo Laredo at the Texas Border. The changing environment is an added technical challenge to the already difficult route.
"This will be a true test of Mini Mania products on this extremely challenging and technical event," said Don Racine, president of Mini Mania Inc. "Despite the high attrition rate for the Pan Am, our goal is to finish the race in the top 10 for our category."
About Mini Mania, Inc.
Established in 1974, Mini Mania Inc., is the leading supplier of aftermarket performance and accessory products for the BMW MINI and Classic Mini. Mini Mania products are available from dealers throughout the U.S. and abroad and on the company's extensive web site. is an information portal for Mini Cooper enthusiasts containing over 50,000 pages of unique content augmented with 1000's of part numbers, technical articles and community forums.
Mini Mania is headquartered in a 16,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility in Nevada City which is nestled in the Northern California foothills outside of Sacramento, California.