Monday, January 28, 2008

TV Spot: Passport 9500i Radar Detector

"I'll take "Cheesy Late Night Infomercials" for a hundred, Alex".

Actually, it's only a 60-second spot for the Escort Passport 9500i. ("the i is for intelligent") New school quality, old school cheese. Classic.

Friday, January 11, 2008

MINI CLUBMANia hits the U.S.!

With the official U.S. release of the MINI Clubman only days away, the hype machine is now in full force! Spy photos, leaked press releases, you know the drill. Commercials for the MINI Clubman have even started to surface in US television. Fortunately, we have the power of Internet to get a jump on things. I mean, who could resist a visit to the local MINI dealer after a spot like this... :)

"Club what?" You say? Get up to speed with's FULL COVERAGE of all things Clubman (my words, not theirs).

Click this link for more mania inducing videos!